

Microsites help you build a brand and SEO value long after the listing has been terminated.

With our Microsites, you can demonstrate to your sellers that you're going to do everything you can to sell their home.

All our Microsites come with a custom domain name, and we'll provide you with a fully customized Microsite that you can use to win more listings. We'll include all of our services in the Microsite so you can demonstrate to your sellers that you're going to do everything you can to sell their home.

Why go to an expensive website builder when you can get your website from BetterListings at a fraction of the cost, and with all the other marketing content you need to win more listings.

Realted features

Custom content

Custom content

Need something else? We love it when our customers bring us new ideas! Drop us a note and we'll see what we can do.

Enhanced Listing Imagery

Enhanced Listing Imagery

First impressions are everything, and with website visitors only spending a few seconds on the page (and not reading below the page fold) you want to make sure they get the key points before moving on.

Neighbourhood Maps

Neighbourhood Maps

Agents are expected to know the neighbourhood, but doing that research can be time consuming. Demonstrate to sellers that you know the area, and will do a great job showcasing their property.

Property Feature Slide

Property Feature Slide

A listing is more than just photos, and with sellers expecting more from their agents, you need to be able to deliver. Our feature slide gives you the ability to address this for even the most demanding seller.

Listing Descriptions

Listing Descriptions

You didnt go into real estate to become a copy editor and while ChatGPT is great, it's still going to contain a lot of misleading information. We'll make sure your descriptions are accurate and engaging.

Social Posts

Social Posts

Agents often describe managing their social presence as being a bit like 'exercise', they know they should be doing it, but feel they don't have the time. Every time you create a listing, we create all the social content you need.

Get in Touch
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Phone Number

+(536) 84 95 62 45

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Dhaka-1209 Bangladesh